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INDIANA METAL MADNESS (IMM) is dedicated to the safe, correct, and responsible use of all firearms. From competitive shooting to self-defense, we convey the attitude, knowledge, and skills needed for the proper handling, use, and storage of firearms.  We are committed to providing the community with shooting sports resources, while enhancing your ability to defend your life and the lives of loved ones.  Personal safety is the core of everything we do.


Matches will be held monthly at the Huntington County Izaak Walton League of America.  Practice will be available throughout the month to their members.  Visit their website to learn more about Huntington County's greatest resource.


Call us if you would like to set up a special event! (260)438-8704


How to Play

​Metal Madness players shoot with more than 60,000 different combinations! It’s impossible to completely master the game. There are 10 lanes total and each player will shoot 5 plates per lane. The fastest and the most accurate shooter wins. 

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